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Weston and our surrounding towns are rich with interesting places and activities. The links below highlight points of interest.
Sites of Local Interest
Andover, Vermont's website - https://www.andovervt.org/
Landgrove, Vermont's website - landgrove.vermont.gov/
Londonderry, Vermont's website - http://londonderryvt.org
Peru, Vermont's website - http://www.peruvt.org/
Weston, Vermont's website - http://www.westonvt.com
Windham, Vermont's website - https://townofwindhamvt.com/
Winhall, Vermont's website - https://www.winhall.org/
Okemo Valley Regional Chamber of Commerce - https://www.yourplaceinvermont.com/
FREE Live, Local Music throughout the Summer
- Cavendish: Concerts on the Green (Wednesdays at 6 PM)
- Bondville: Free Concert Series & Farmers Market (select Fridays 5:30 PM - 8:00 PM at the Bondville Fairgrounds)
- Chester: Summer Music Concert Series (Thursdays starting July 11 at 6:30 PM)
- Grafton: Grafton Coronet Band (selected Saturday & Sundays, times vary)
- Londonderry: Pingree Park Music Mondays (Every other Monday at 6 PM)
- Ludlow: Summer Bandstand Concerts (Sundays from 6:30 – 8 PM)
- Ludlow: Jackson Gore Summer Music at Okemo (Fridays from 6-9 PM)
- Manchester: Concerts on the Green (select Wednesdays from 6-8 PM)
- Mount Holly: Concerts on the Green (Thursdays at 6:30 PM)
- Shrewsbury: Meeting House Concerts (Fridays at 6 PM)
- Weston: Kinhaven Music School Concerts (selected Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays)
- Weston: Sundays on the Hill (every other Sunday at 4 PM)
Arts, Music and More
Weston Theater Company - https://westontheater.org/
Weston's Annual Fall Craft Show - http://www.westoncraftshow.com
Weston Antiques Show - http://www.westonantiquesshow.org
Weston's Church on the Hill - http://www.vtchurchonthehill.org
Southern Vermont Art Center - http://www.svac.org
Manchester Music Festival - http://www.mmfvt.org
Vermont Symphony Orchestra - http://www.vso.org
Kinhaven Music School - http://www.kinhaven.org
Dorset Theater Festive - https://dorsettheatrefestival.org/
Local Shopping, Museums, Historical Sites, and Points of Interest
Farrar-Mansur House and Old Mill Museums - http://www.weston-vermont.com/weston-vermont-historic-museums
Weston Priory - http://www.westonpriory.org
Weston Village Store - https://www.westonvillagestore.com/
Vermont Country Store - http://www.vermontcountrystore.com
Robert Todd Lincoln's Hildene - Manchester - http://www.hildene.org
Southern Vermont Arts Center - http://www.svac.org
Calvin Coolidge Homestead - https://historicsites.vermont.gov/calvin-coolidge
Recreation/Sports/Fun Things to Do
Bromley and the Summer Thrill Zone- http://bromley.com
Okemo Mountain Resort - http://www.okemo.com
Stratton Mountain - http://www.stratton.com
Magic Mountain Ski Area - http://www.MagicMtn.com
Green Mountain Club (hiking) - http://www.greenmountainclub.org
Lowell Lake State Park - http://www.vtstateparks.com/htm/lowell.cfm
Jamaica State Park - http://www.vtstateparks.com/htm/jamaica.cfm
Southern Vermont Camping - http://www.campvermont.com/html/cgs/south/cg_south.htm
Merck Forest and Farmland Center - http://www.merckforest.com/
Vermont Association of Snow Travelers (VAST) - http://www.vtvast.org
Fox Run Golf Club (Ludlow) - https://www.foxrungolfclubvt.com/
Equinox Resort's Gleneagles Golf Course - http://equinox.rockresorts.com/info/golf.asp
Dorset Marble Quarry - https://dorsetquarry.com/
Lodging In and Near Weston
Colonial House (Weston) - http://www.cohoinn.com
Landgrove Inn - http://www.landgroveinn.com
The Weston - https://thewestonvt.com/
There are also numerous lodging options in Ludlow, Chester and Manchester and at the local ski areas (Okemo, Stratton, Bromley and Magic).
Chester-Andover Elementary School - https://caes.trsu.org/
Flood Brook Union School - http://www.floodbrook.k12.vt.us
Burr and Burton Academy - http://www.burrburton.org
Long Trail School - http://www.longtrailschool.org
Green Mountain Union High School - http://gmuhs.trsu.org
The Maple Street School - http://www.maplestreetschool.com
Stratton Mountain School - http://www.gosms.org
Vermont Academy - http://www.vermontacademy.org
Community Health Resources
Londonderry Volunteer Rescue Squad - http://londonderryrescuevt.org/wordpress1/
Mountain Valley Medical Clinic - http://ourclinic.org
Rutland Regional Medical Center - http://www.rrmc.org
Southern Vermont Medical Center - http://www.svhealthcare.org
Springfield Hospital - http://www.springfieldhospital.org
Newspapers, Magazines and Real Estate Guides
Vermont Magazine - http://www.vermontmagazine.com
Vermont Life - http://www.vermontlife.com
New England Showcase - http://www.newenglandshowcase.com
Vermont Journal - http://www.vermontjournal.com/
Vermont News Guide - http://www.vermontnews-guide.com
Chester Telegraph - https://www.chestertelegraph.org/
VT Digger (real journalism, online!) - https://vtdigger.org/